Prayer Petition
James 5:16b says: “The prayer of a good man is full of power in its working”.
• In Shalom we have a team of 35 intercessors who gathered themselves every Tuesday. Here they pray for special petitions. Furthermore these women and men are connected through the Network 24 hours a day in order to intercede, from their houses, on your petitions
• When you send an e-mail asking for a prayer, immediately we send your petition to an “Intercessor Leader” who informs other intercessors about it. The “Great Tuesday” of every week, is the day when intercessors, united physically pray for you; but daily they pray united spiritually.
• Testimonies are GREAT and without LIMITS, remember: Christ Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, Amen!!!
Send now your petition, write to
Yours Truly,
Pastor Mynor Vargas and Intercessors team.