Who is a chaplain

10959334_321499421394199_1009755882933464526_nChaplains are men or women, servants of God who are in charge of taking care of people in need at specific times. Chaplains do their work, for example, in: Hospitals, Prison, in times of war, Rehabilitation centers, Funerals, Police Stations, Paramedics and Fire Dept. They are also present in earthquakes, floods and other catastrophes. Finally, they are also in crusades, concerts, vigils, retreats, camping, etc.
-The chaplaincy is an extension of the local, national and international Christian church that gets to different parts of the society from the cultural and religious view. Chaplains take spiritually care of people at crucial moments. Chaplains work as pastors, teachers, evangelists, missionaries, counselors and administrators in specific issues because they represent Jesus and the church out of the building and from the inside of the agency users.
The importance of the Chaplaincy and the church of Jesus Christ:


Where does the Chaplaincy come from

¿Where does the Chaplaincy come from?


According to Noami K. Paget and Janet R McCormack (high authorities about Chaplaincy) and the North American Mission Board (of the SBC), the long story about chaplain begins with the character “Finees”, Levite, Aaron’s grandson who answered the Moses’ calling to fight as a Chaplain (see Num. 31:6).
In Recent times:
In more modern times since John Gano, a Baptist minister from New York City. He served as a military chaplain under the command of General George Washington.
Hence, Southern Baptists took roots for their Chaplaincy ministry.






¿Quién puede ser un Capellán?

While Shalom Consortium do not take money for any ministerial services, neither for affiliation, nor for coverage or identifying cards ,etc. International Association of Christian Chaplains , Inc. has an operating cost, .that is why for being a certificate Chaplain it is necessary to pay a reasonable price. Only those who pays initial price of US$ 25.00 for application are considered, and after, those who pay the remaining price are authorized and certified with Identifying Cards, Materials and Gold Badge.
Briefly, we specify the costs as follow:
Cost of application $ 25.00
Identifying Card $ 35.00
Certification $ 25.00
Badge (Officer badge) $ 180.00

